Friday 26 June 2009

Blogger pro and con

One thing I find difficult when I log in to Blogger is finding the view blog button. this might be because I use other blogs but I do find the workpress daskboard clearer to use.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

More experiments

Here I am adding a phlog. This is a spoken blog added via a mobile .

Added an image as well. I know it does not relate but at present this is all about seeing what I can do.

Experiments in digital media

I have looked at education blogs and now I am looking at how this blog works in the digital medium rather than just words.

Can I add visuals?

This has been uploaded from the Mac desktop. I can't do this on wordpress it will not allow me to upload my own work straight from Mac.

If this Youtube connection works I found it complicated. I loaded the connection via a link on the Html page then I loaded again on Compose highlighting the link. I will now publish and see what happens.

Monday 8 June 2009

Research area

I am trying to find out if people are using blogs in education and if they are working. Lots of suggestions that it is a good idea but most then seem to say, students didn't use them. I am at the beginning and just planning. I work in Further education with 1st Diploma students and will make the blog part of assessment next year in the Key skills / Functioning skills program. This year we put one unit of work onto power point and I don't see why we can't just move this to a blog next year. We have also uploaded all our animation films to Youtube, but under my name.

Friday 5 June 2009


Looking like molten metal.
A sculpture in movement.